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Buddha & Bites!

Walk and enjoy together!

Together with our TenzinYogi Mirthe van West from

we organize Buddha & Bites. On this day, the Buddhist path, mindfulness, yoga and delicious vegan food come together.

Today we start in the park with a Vinyasa practice and then we visit four different establishments together for the delicious bites. At the beginning of the day you will be briefed by Mirthe about the route and which restaurants we will visit. It will also be indicated which drinks are included.

The Buddhist path and fun challenges are interwoven in this day. In addition to a yoga practice in the park during this day, we will also have a meditation/mindfulness session in our studio.

We will of course keep you informed of this day via our socials. If you want, ask your friend, parents, children, neighbors or friends to join!

The more the merrier!

You can reserve your spot via the following link: click!

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