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Become  the healthiest version of yourself!

Lose weight with Tenzin Food

Yoga at Home

Together towards a healthier lifestyle

Start losing weight under the guidance of a professional weight consultant from TenzinFood.

How does TenzinFood work?

The weight loss & yoga path contains 10 meetings, which focus on achieving a healthy weight and awareness of your body and mind. Each meeting lasts 90 minutes, with the last part being a yoga practice.  

1st meeting

During the first meeting we will reflect on your past with food, your eating habits, what your goals are and how we can get there. Anthropometric research is carried out to determine what the starting point is.

2nd meeting

During the second consultation you will receive a personalized meal and action plan based on your eating habits and preferences. So you don't have to buy a lot of other products unnecessarily.  

3rd meeting

The third consultation is the first check moment: How are you? How do you like the changes that have been made? Are goals achieved? Adjustments may be made during this meeting.  

4th to 9th meeting

During the follow-up meetings, we will continue to evaluate your trajectory and continue to guide you in your lifestyle change. What works? What doesn't work? Are goals achieved? Anthropometric research is also carried out during each meeting. Because to measure is to know!

closing meeting
During the last meeting we will conclude with a festive celebration and we will celebrate the achieved goals.


No meal replacements or shakes

Real food! That's what it's about. That is why we do not work with meal replacements or shakes. Complete food with all the nutrients you need, that is our starting point.


Eating well and losing weight

No product is banned! Keep enjoying and lose weight at the same time. Of course you can enjoy chocolate or a pastry every now and then. That is also part of life.

Healthy food

Learn how you can best support your body with healthy nutrition. We give you the information you need to make healthier choices and continue to enjoy yourself.


Lifestyle change

Together we will look for that lifestyle change that will make you lose weight, feel good and what suits you! No crash diet, no quick fix, real results for the rest of your life.


Allergies or specific dietary requirements?
No problem!

Vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant or another food allergy? That is no problem at Tenzin Food. We provide customization and of course take your preferences and allergies into account. 

Pouring Honey

Guidance by TenzinFood

Guidance by TenzinFood

Do you want to lose weight?

Do you want more energy?

More comfortable in your own skin?


Then start with the weight loss & yoga package from TenzinFood!

The package consists of 10 meetings, in which 

your starting point, goals, eating habits and  anthropometric research. 

You will also receive a personal meal plan tailored to your wishes and goals.

The combination of lifestyle change and yoga will make you even more aware of your diet and exercise pattern. This will make you even more motivated and the chance of success is high!

What does it ask of you?

Are you ready to take the weight loss & yoga path of  TenzinFood to follow?

Besides an open mind and therefore being ready for change, your input during the meetings is highly appreciated, both by the facilitator and the other participants. Naturally, all input will be treated discreetly. 
You can follow the entire weight loss and yoga path of TenzinFood for only € 199. You will receive an invoice for this, which you can use for any reimbursement by your health insurer

Image by LUM3N
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